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Avix Autonomic Gen2

Facility managers around the world trust in AVIX 

Bird Beam Laser Control provides animal-friendly solutions to manage bird control. Innovative AVIX Autonomic bird deterrent is designed to deter birds away from your building, preventing damage, protecting solar panel assets maintaining their energy output, also creating a safer working environment. We take pride in delivering effective and sustainable solutions that bring excellent results to our clients. Learn more about our projects and how we can help you keep your building clean and safe.

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Specialized Handheld Laser for Aviation

AVIX Handheld HSS is the ultimate solution to controlling birds within a controlled aircraft area. This specialized device is fitted with safety features that make it an integral part of deterring wildlife hazards at airfields with a range of 2500metres. With the push of a button, you can control bird activity, ensuring the safety of your aircraft and passengers. Used at airports worldwide, call us to discuss this option.


All handheld units require strict firearms permits in all states of Australia, showing just cause with permissions from governing bodies. These handheld units are highly specialized and are only available to airfields.

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